Kamis, 30 Agustus 2012

History of Korea - Three Kingdom Period

Various tribes gathered on the Korean Peninsula and Manchuria, to inaugurate the three kingdoms in the first century BC Three kingdom period (first century BC ~ In 668 CE)

  • 3 kingdom is the kingdom of Koguryo in the north of the Korean peninsula and Manchuria region, Baekje kingdom in the western part of the Korean Peninsula, and the kingdom of Baekje in the eastern part of the Korean Peninsula.
  • 3 kingdoms developed after numerous tribes joined, but they still have the realization that they are the inheritors Dangun

Koguryo kingdom (37 years S.M ~ In 668 T.M)

Koguryo kingdom was founded by 'king Jumong (Dongmyong Songwang) in southern Manchuria. Territorial Koguryo kingdom covering most of Manchuria and the northern part of the Korean Peninsula, to the kingdom of Koguryo unavoidable conflicts with ethnic Han Chinese.
Koguryo kingdom expel all Chinese forces from the Korean Peninsula after defeating the army and Daebang Nakrang established in China in the current Korean Peninsula Gojosun empire collapsed. After that, the kingdom of Koguryo kingdom also repelled Su in China in the last 598 years, to emerge as a strong nation in the Northeast Asia region.
Nevertheless, the national power Koguryo kingdom weakened by quarrels with the royal Su, eventually collapsed by the allied forces between the kinfdom of Shilla and Tang empire, China. After the collapse, the Koguryo kingdom united kingdom of Shilla, but most of the migrants who received various tribes after moving to the north, managed to establish the kingdom of Balhae.
(you can watch this history in Jumong PRINCE OF THE LEGEND )
Baekje (18 years S.M ~ in 660 T.M)

According to legend, the two sons of the king in the kingdom of Koguryo Dongmyong Songwang, namely Onjo and Biryu build the kingdom of Baekje after descending to the south. In other words, the kingdom of Baekje founded by migrants forces were driven from power led Koguryo kingdom.
Northern kingdom of Koguryo, Baekje kingdom impede progress, and exchange with the various kingdoms in China in the east .
Meanwhile, the kingdom of Baekje unavoidable argument with the Chinese forces in the Korean Peninsula, which Daebang army who control the southern kingdom of Baekje, and holding a miserable battle with Shilla kingdom in the eastern part of the growing .
Despite the growing interest lavish culture, but national power weakened by quarrels kingdoms of Koguryo and Shilla, until conquered by the joint forces in 660. After the collapse, many of the migrants moved to Japan, to contribute to building the country a great service in Japan and created the ancient Japanese culture.

Shilla (57 BC ~ 935 TM / including the kingdom of Shilla unified)

Compared to the kingdom of Koguryo and Baekje Buyeo flow, based on the story of the founder of the kingdom of Shilla Shilla, Park Hyeokgeose are born from eggs. In other words, the kingdom of Shilla created through harmony between the natives and the newcomers who have advanced civilization.
Shilla kingdom including United Shilla kingdom, called 'historic kingdom for a thousand years "which remained there for 992 years. The kingdom of Silla is located in the southeastern part of the Korean peninsula, so it is difficult to receive an advanced civilization. Therefore, the speed of the latest developments of Shilla kingdom among three kingdoms. However, thanks to the progress ceaselessly, the kingdom of Shilla increasing national power in the military and culture. After cooperating with Tang, China, Shilla kingdom Baekje and Koguryo undermine respectively, to successfully integrate three kingdoms .
( You can watch this story in The Great Quen Seon Dok )

United Kingdom of Shilla period (~ 668 years in 935)

The kingdom of Shilla Shilla kingdom United point after 3 united kingdom.
Unified Shilla kingdom practice Buddhism, successfully developed a culture that glow.
After 3 kingdoms united to expel the United Shilla kingdom Tang, then control the entire Korean Peninsula except a wilayan north. In the north, there is the kingdom of Balhae was founded by migrants Koguryo kingdom.
Therefore, the kingdom of Shilla United Korea laid the foundation stone for a united country.
At the end of the United Shilla kingdom, leaders layers deep in kemewaan and entertainment, as well as the neglect of state land, until the the kingdom collapsed after Goryo put it back together.

Period kingdom Goryo (~ 918 years in 1392)

Wang Kon, King Taejo built an empire by establishing Goryo Song-ak (Kaesong now) as the capital. After uniting the kingdom Shilla in 935 years and undermine Post Baekje the kingdom in 936, the kingdom Goryo successfully put it back together. Goryo royal religious worships and expanding territorial Budaha based 'policies to advance to the north'
However, in the end Goryo the kingdom, the kingdom palace mogul controlled due to the attack. However, the kingdom Goryo restoring national power in the situation at the turn of the power of chaos Won-Ming in China. After that, the kingdom Goryo abdicated the throne to General Lee Sung-gye after knights higher power. Goryo kingdom continued for 474 years by 34 kings.

Kingdom of Chosun Period (year 1392 ~ 1910)

Chosun kingdom inaugurated by the force of the new knights, including Lee Sung-gye with a new royal line by Confucianism. Substitution palace was not done by force of arms, but dropped the throne, to the so-called 'Reform Yeoksung'. Although the king has absolute power, but is controlled by the nobility that comes Confucianism, to be special  .
In the the kingdom Chosun, culture and science are very successful, such as Korean letters, Hangeul was created, and rain gauges, developed. However, Chosun the kingdom became a role model and diligence on the overly fanatical ideology, so people become inactive.
After entering the modern period, Chosun the kingdom who can not follow the change in the modern world, and the victim in a quarrel among the developed countries, until it unavoidable from Japanese colonial rule in 1910 ago.

The period of Japanese rule (1910 ~ 1945)

After the Japanese government to build Japanese rule in Korea , Japan robbed Korea and prohibits wearing the Korean language and Korean names in order to assimilate the Koreans to the Japanese people.
At the time of Independence housed troops in China and Russia, are constantly struggling, even while the Korean government unveiled in China, and led the independence movement.
March 1 Independence Movement held throughout Korea in 1919, known as a movement without a weapon against the Japanese army and police forces.
After the Japanese troops back to Japan after World War 2 in 1945, the Japanese colonial period is completed.

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