Sabtu, 30 Maret 2013


Hello , 
we meet again . This week I will sharee about Korean food and attitude while eating .
When you watch drama korea there always scene the actris was eating . You see that food look deliciuos , but you didn`nt know the name . So i will show you several Korean food . 

Korean food is based on traditional foods and cooking techniques of Korean people. Starting from the quaint kulineristana up special food from these areas and blend with modern cuisine, the ingredients used and the method of preparation is very different. There are so many Korean foods are worldwide. The food is described here is very different from the food served in culinary palace, which until now has also enjoyed most of the Korean society.
Korean cuisine is largely based on rice, noodles, tofu, vegetables and meat. Traditional Korean food is famous for a large number of side dishes (side) called banchan eaten with white rice and soup (broth). Each meal comes with a fair amount of banchan.
Korean food is usually seasoned with sesame oil, Doenjang, soy sauce, salt, garlic, ginger and chili sauce (gochujang). Korean society is consuming garlic on top of the world's largest Chinese, Thai, Japanese, and Mediterranean countries such as Spain, Italy and Greece.
Korean food differ seasonally. During the winter, usually traditional food consumed is kimchi and other pickled vegetables in a large barrel that is stored under the ground outside the house. Before making Korean cuisine usually in dire need of cooperation.

Setting the Tables

Koreans usually eat while sitting on pillows (without seats) on a low table with a crossed leg position .

The food is eaten with chopsticks of stainless steel (jeotgarak) and the long spoon (sutgarak); sets of chopsticks and a spoon is called sujeo (combined sutgarak and jeotgarak), but it can also be interpreted as sujeo spoon. Unlike the other chopstick users, Koreans have used spoons since the 5th century AD.
Rice for individuals is provided in a small bowl higher than its diameter. Warm soup bowls provided in larger and wide (on the right rice), often jjigae or other foods eaten with soupy kind of a big pot in the middle of the table. Set the length stainless steel spoon for rice and soup, and chopsticks for banchan (to the right of the soup).
Banchan side dishes that vary provided in small bowls. Depending on each household, drinks can be provided or not provided. Water ice is usually provided when dining with friends. In the general environment (eg restaurants), provided water or traditional ("tea" grains like barley tea, while regular tea while eating less preferred because it does not fit with rice or spicy banchan). Another common drink at meals is soju. After the meal, refreshments provided soojunggwa or shikhye example. Drinks are served vary by season of the year.

Traditional Dining Etiquette

Parents, are respected, and guests should be treated with respect and have the right to eat the food first. Disrespectful behavior at mealtime:
• Exhale from nose to the table,
• Prior to eat before the oldest,
• Establishing chopsticks or spoon it up, because it symbolizes the incense burned at funerals,
• Plugging food with chopsticks and take out food by hand (no food should be taken with a finger, but the banchan are not allowed),
• Using chopsticks and spoons at the same time (only allowed with one hand),
• Using chopsticks or a spoon with his left hand,
• Make noise when chewing food or hit the bowl with cutlery,
• Rifling rice or soup with a spoon / chopsticks,
• Rifling side dishes with a spoon / chopsticks,
• Finish eating too fast or too slow,
• Drinking facing parents (It's very disrespectful, one must rotate the other direction / next)
• Accepting a drink from his parents and was honored with both hands, the left hand should be put into the chest and the right hand holding the drink / cup when poured drinks.
• In informal situations, these rules less important. In the event a family meal, children are taught by their parents about how and traditional dining etiquette.
• Talking while chewing food is okay, as long as the mouth is not opened. It is not polite at dinner talking with his mouth open. However, when it comes time to eat, the Koreans used to answer by simply nodding his head or say "mm" as the word "yes" and does not open his mouth. Eating / sipping soup with a hissing sound is highly recommended. Korean people are going to comment on a very silent at meals (if he does not speak), so he was not kept pace eat food if he stopped eating to talk.
Another rule to remember is that older people are respected or not necessarily have to follow a plan-that way, but others required. This is because the most important thing in the meal was polite and show respect to those who are above us. This does not apply when dining alone or with friends. Another rule to remember is that older people are respected or not necessarily have to follow a plan-that way, but others required. This is because the most important thing in the meal was polite and show respect to those who are above us. This does not apply when dining alone or with friends.
In the dinner portions are not required to spend all the side dishes were provided, but the individual rice should be spent. Eating too fast will make the host think that the food provided is not enough. Besides leaving dishes in large quantities is not polite for being a waste of food .

Then , i will share several Korean food that very famous and delicious and you usually found it in DraKor or Korean Movie .
And , you must try it or you will curious all the time . :)


Kimchi is a traditional Korean food, a type of pickled vegetables fermented spicy flavored. Once salted and washed, mixed vegetables with shrimp seasoning made from krill, fish sauce, garlic, ginger and red chilli powder.

The most common vegetables are made kimchi cabbage and radish. In ancient times, kimchi pronounced chim-chae (Hangul: 침채; Hanja: ) which means "vegetables are soaked."

In Korea, kimchi is always served at mealtimes as one of the most common types of banchan. Kimchi is also used as a spice in cooking as kimchi stew (kimchi jjigae), kimchi fried rice (kimchi bokkeumbap), and various other dishes.


Bulgogi (Korean: fire, and 고기 meat) is a Korean meat dishes. Meats used include beef sirloin or a good piece of meat from a cow.

Bulgogi seasoning is a mixture of soy sauce and sugar plus other spices depending on the recipe and regions in Korea. Before you eat, lettuce is used to wrap the bulgogi with kimchi, garlic, or other flavoring to taste.

In Japan, a similar food called Yakiniku. Compared to Yakiniku, seasoning meat for bulgogi made more sweet. Water enough so that the seasoning meat grilled on an iron plate (teppan), but on a flat pan .


Bibimbap is a Korean food or bibimbab be a bowl of white rice with toppings on it in the form of vegetables, beef, egg, and gochujang sauce. Its name literally means "mixed rice" from 비빔 (mixed) and (rice). Before you eat, rice and side dishes mixed into one.

Bibimbap which was served in a bowl of stones that have been heated Dolsot called Bibimbap (돌솥 비빔밥, "Dolsot" means "stone bowl"). The heat of the stone bowl will ripen raw eggs are laid on top of rice as a side dish. Before you put the rice, sesame oil is poured at the base of the stone bowl in order to form the crust is fragrant and crispy rice at the bottom of the bowl .


Gimbap or Kimbap is Korean snacks are very popular.  Gimbap made from rice rolled with dried seaweed called games. The contents of Gimbap can vary, such as bacon, sausage or omelets. Gimbap cut into small sizes and are served cold, usually served with danmuji and kimchi.

Gimbap basic ingredients are rice, meat, vegetables or fresh marinated. Traditionally rice seasoned with salt and sesame oil or perilla oil. Its contents vary, ranging from fish (in the form of fish cake), crab meat, eggs or meat spiced beef ribs. While the vegetable ingredients are cucumber, spinach, carrots and danmuji.

Gimbap selected as food to 100 kinds of Korean cuisine by strangers. Weekly Canada's write articles about Gimbap and compare it with the title of Korean Kimbap sushi rolls out of sushi's shadow. The article also write a comment : "No need for soy sauce, wasabi, or pickled ginger: Kimbap stands alone. It's a star waiting to be discovered


Jeongol is Korean food in the form of soups are boiled in a large pot, and served in the middle of the table to eat together. Compared with jjigae which contains only one main type of material, the material for the content jeongol usually much more diverse. Unlike jjigae that originated from the food of the people, as well as gujeolpan jeongol stems from the food to the nobility or the royal family .

These foods usually contain slices of beef, offal, various types of seafood, and added a variety of vegetables, mushrooms, and other spices. All the materials are boiled together in a shallow pan for cooking jeongol called jeongolteul (전골틀). Food is generally made because flavored spicy gochujang and chili powder. In addition, the type of broth used to boil depends on the contents of the main ingredients to the soup.

Soft Tofu Stew - 순두부 찌개

This dish is a type of cuisine that is boiled. Fresh fish is used as one of the main ingredients is the most delicious Korean cuisine plus a little beef, chili powder, silken tofu, and eggs. The beef is mixed over the dish to taste is not for filling the stomach. Imagine how delicious menu with the use of beef.

This meal is thicker than soup but thinner than porridge. If the traditional way (using earthenware), Soondubu Jiggae cooked just for one dish.

Ox Bone Soup - 설렁탕

One of the most delicious Korean cuisine is another Seolleongtang. Because it is so famous, this menu is the only menu that deliberately provided one of the restaurants. Cooking ingredient is beef bones form a boiled leg or tail. Should boil it for hours so that all the calcium released to the typical white bones.

Cuts of beef and horseradish also be a mix of one of the most delicious Korean cuisine is. Winter is a good time to enjoy this soup. Even that can be consumed for 1 week, the menu is made in large quantities. In Korea, Seolleongtang not just eaten at dinner, but for breakfast.

Rice Cake Street Food - 떡볶이

Presented in a variety of flavors Korean food is the most popular street hawker's. Ddukbokkie made from fish cakes, boiled eggs, plus a slightly sweet spicy sauce. As an antidote to spicy, chewy rice cakes dihadirka and soft.

In major cities in Korea are often wafted dishes at night. As Seoul, there were many traders who peddle Ddukbokkie with their own recipes and flavors.

Chicken Porridge - 닭죽

Stew chicken in water mixed onion and garlic are ingredients to make Dakjuk. Rice then added thereto and cooked until the meat is undercooked chicken. Chicken and garlic enriched food taste like a very thick porridge this.

Those looks delicious .. :9

let`s try it . And thank you . ^^i

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